July 27, 2013

Calvary Assembly of God
1199 Clay Street, Winter Park FL 32789
Concert Time: 7PM - 10PM
Blood Donations: 5PM - 9PM
Tell Me A Story
Rock the Marrow was initiated on July 17, 2010 in honor of former Calvary staff member, Jamie Gaillard. Jamie was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Leukemia in March of 2010 and passed away just 10 short months later. She devoted the final stages of her life to raising awareness about Leukemia and the benefits of being a bone marrow donor. We want this year’s event to be even more successful than the two years prior.

Get Involved
Calvary Assembly will host its fourth annual Rock the Marrow on July 27th, 2013, but it doesn't end there. Every 3 seconds, someone in the U.S. is in need of a blood transfusion and an average of 6,000 people are waiting for a bone marrow transplant at any given time. The blood supply can become critical when there are not enough donations for local hospital patients, and finding a bone marrow match is much like winning the lottery. But it shouldn't be this way. Find out how easy it is to register and donate bone marrow by visiting www.bethematch.org. For information about donating blood, and donation locations visit www.oneblood.org.